We all have our struggles. Mine is my weight. I've been fit, fat, fit, fatter, pregnant, fat, semi-fit, fat, pregnant again, and once again still fat (and probably a few more fits and fats in between). Not like it's a secret, anyone who can see me can see it. I miss being fit very much. Guess what though? It's hard, and I'm kind of lazy, and that's just the truth. I'm sick of it though; sick of feeling self conscious and unhappy with myself, sick of wearing baggy clothes and never feeling I look nice, sick of feeling so incredibly out of shape, sick of not being able to keep up with my (almost) 3 year old.
I decided, about a week ago, this just simply has to stop. I have decades ahead of me, if I'm lucky, I don't want to spend them miserable in my own body. I want to live a long life, I don't want my last years of life to be spent sick because of the choices I've made. There are only a few things we have control of in our lives, our body (uncontrollable illness, and disease aside, of course) is one of them, and our mind (mental illness, etc., aside) is the other. When I really think about it, it makes little sense that I ensure I stay miserable. To hell with that! So I decided I'd put it out there, to hold myself accountable, and to share my journey with anyone that it might help.
So, here we go!
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