I've been recording my weight daily on a little weigh-in app on my phone every since I got in like a month and a half ago. I weigh daily (obvs), but have only gone through phases where I actually record it daily -- usually I just record when I lose. It's helped to kind of see a pattern. I kind of go down, up a little, down, up a lot, down, down, up a little, down, up a lot, etc. I love numbers and graphs and data, so I find this kind of stuff fun and exciting. Anyway, below is a little screen shot of the graphed out weigh-ins since October 26th. That is all.
Those are some pretty big swings! But the overall trend is excellent. I like daily weighing - It isn't always helpful but it can take the power out of the scale and help with the realization that bounces are normal and healthy, nothing to freak out over.