Let's look at the evidence to determine the answer, shall we? Fitness-wise: I can run a pretty long distance, I can lift pretty heavy weights, my endurance is pretty high, my strength is pretty good. Physically: I have some muscles that show, I'm well into the "normal" weight category BMI-wise, my body fat is a respectable level, my pant size would indicate that I'm normal to (dare I say) small-ish. PLUS I'm still working at getting better in every area!
So the evidence points to the answer being yes, I'm fit/in shape in pretty much any way a person can look at it. Why, then, is it so hard for me to see myself that way?
I'm nowhere near fitness model status of course, not close to being an elite athlete, not the thinnest, not the lowest body fat, not the strongest, but I can still be a fit person without being the BEST can't I? I get caught up in comparing myself to others. If someone is fittER than me, than I must not be fit. If someone can run faster, further, longer, then I must not be that good. If someone can lift more, I must be pretty weak. That is a ridiculous way of thinking isn't it? Because someone else is MORE of, or BETTER at, whatever, that means I can't be that thing.
If I do something physically that surprises me or that I'm impressed by, I quickly brush it off as a fluke. If I take a good picture where I look pretty decent, I tell myself it's the angle/lighting/outfit/pose. Why!? Why do I rob myself of any credit I am due? Why do I find it so scary to be able to say "I'm in good shape. I look really good." Because I feel like someone will come along and be like, um no, not at all, and then I'll feel stupid. And what if that DID happen? One person's opinion means nothing. Anyone else's opinion means nothing, really, just my opinion of myself.
Ok, so I got that all out, so here it goes. . .
I'm fit. I'm in great shape. I look amazing. And not just compared to my former-fat-self, not just compared to other mommies of 2, not just compared to XYZ, but overall and in general with no disclaimer or caveat! SO THERE!
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