Ever since I was injured I basically stopped working out completely. Yes, I needed to let my injury heal, but I didn't need to completely stop working out. I have rededicated myself to working out, and have set a schedule to follow this month. I have 3 main reason, those are: As I lose weight and don't workout I just get more flabby, I am doing the marathon in January and I'd like to actually be prepared, and, of course, overall health.
July will consist of: Weight training 4 days a week. Running 3 days a week. Core workouts daily. Stretching daily.
I had a great run yesterday. I have found I run much better outside; it goes by faster and I am able to push myself much more than on the treadmill, even in the awful heat. I mapped out a 3 mile run and I did it in 36 minutes. Now, for a lot of people, that's an average, if not slow, pace. For me it was record setting, and in my head I looked like an Olympic runner, prancing like a gazelle, around the neighborhood.
I haven't run that many miles straight in about a year and a half; even then it was only once, and it took me about 44 minutes. I was proud then, as I should have been, but yesterday I was on cloud nine. It gave me hope of being able to actually run the whole marathon. I have a lot of training in front of me, and I do doubt myself. But I know that my body is capable of doing it, and that there is no reason that I CAN'T do it, so I keep reminding that it's just a matter of putting the miles in.
Ever since I can remember, I have always dreamed of running a marathon. I figure since I turn 30 in August, this is the perfect time to do it. At first I was just going to do the half, but then I thought to myself "NO SELF!!! YOU CAN DO THE FULL!!!", so I'm gonna! I'm sick of saying I'm going to do things and then never doing them! So I'm doing it, whether I run, walk, or crawl that thing, I'm doing it!
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