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Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm Normal

The title of this post may confuse those of you who read my recent post "The Crazies" in which I declared my insanity.  I speak not of mental normalcy, but rather of weight normalcy.

BMI (Body Mass Index) is an outdated, and pretty inaccurate, tool which measures height to weight ratio (for any of you who don't know).  You get a number based on your height and weight which lets you know if you are underweight (<18.5), normal (18.5-24.9), overweight (25-29.9), obese (30+), morbidly obese, take-your-wall-down-to-leave-the-house obese (you get the idea).  It was invented by a mathematician who never intended it to be used the way it has ended up being used.  Now, while I will readily argue that BMI is a ridiculous way to still be measuring people's health as it takes into no account body composition, I still don't want to be considered overweight by its standards!  Hypocrisy?  Perhaps.

At my heaviest and most pregnant my BMI was 38.1; at my heaviest not pregnant my BMI was 35.5 -- which would put me in the obese II category.  I don't care which standard of measuring a healthy body weight you use, I was obese!  And NOW I am normal!  I'm a normal weight!  WOO HOO!

I've also lost over 80 pounds now!  When I started I honestly didn't think I'd EVER make it this far.  I figured however far I got was fine as long as I was not as big as I was then.  At some point along the way I decided I didn't need to put limitations on myself and that I could succeed and reach any goal I wanted to.  That was very freeing!  I came to the conclusion that I was allowed to strive for the body I TRULY wanted, not just a body that was "meh".  Back in March I had hoped I would be a normal weight by Halloween: GOAL MET!

At this point I can say that I like the way I look for the most part, but there's still some work to do.  I still have a hard time really feeling 80+ pounds smaller -- my mind hasn't quite caught up with my body.  Sometimes I still turn sideways to get through a small space, even though as I go through I realize I could have walked straight through with room to spare.   Sometimes I look at an article of clothing and think it will fit me, but when I put it on it's huge; and on the other side of it, I know logically I'll fit into a certain size but it looks small to me, but then when I put it on it fits!  I had size 18s that were too tight to even wear, and now I fit into a 10 comfortably!  I'd like to wear a 6, so that's my goal.  I've found that the smaller I've gotten, the less weight it takes to go down a size.  I think probably around 130 I'll fit into a 6, but we will see -- if it's sooner, great, if it's less than 130 that's ok too, it's just an estimate.

Revised mini-goals.

Mini goals:
1st mini goal: 199.8, get under 200! 

2nd mini goal: 193, my pre-pregnancy weight.

3rd mini goal: 185.8, no longer considered obese.

4th mini goal: 175, which I got down to in January 2011, a few months before I got pregnant with Luke.

5th mini goal:  163, was my Labor Day goal, (reached a few days late).

6th mini goal: 154.8, no longer considered overweight.

7th mini-goal: 152, how much I weighed when I met Jason.

8th mini-goal: 149.8, because it's the 140s!  Holy crap!

9th mini-goal: 145, drivers license weight.

10th mini-goal: 142, lowest weight I've seen as an adult, maybe even as a teen, and my wedding day weight.

11th mini-goal: 139.8, because it's the 130s!  OMG!

12th mini-goal: 135, my original goal weight.

13th mini-goal: 130, my new goal weight.

(Secret 14th mini-goal: 125, so I have a fluctuation buffer of 125-130 for maintenance.)

1 comment:

  1. Great job accomplishing your goals! I know what you mean by realizing that BMI is not a true indicator yet trying to get into that "normal" range. I remember when I reached normal, I didn't feel any different. It wasn't like I was teetering between life and death yet it was a milestone :)
