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Monday, November 12, 2012

Officially 90

I hit 145.8 today, which makes it official that I've lost 90 pounds! Well. . . 90.2 to be exact.  I was close yesterday, and the day before, but it wasn't like really actually totally OFFICIAL, like it is today!

I'm getting really close to my goal, I think.  I kind of don't know where exactly I will land.  I do know that I need to get my lazy ass back in the gym.  I've been very full of excuses the last two weeks with the kids taking turns being sick, but they were just that -- excuses.  I haven't gone for a run in a really long time, and I haven't lifted in a couple weeks.  I don't necessarily miss it, but I miss being able to say I did it, HA!  I do miss feeling more active; the kids do keep me active to a certain point, but it's not the same.  I definitely don't feel quite as bad ass when I'm not working out.

At any rate (I hate that saying, but I insist on using sayings and words I hate), I think it's very possible I may hit my original goal of 100 pounds by Luke's 1st birthday December 20th.  It's only 9.8 pounds and about 5 1/2 weeks.  I will get close.  Hell, I'm close now!  If I can keep up the momentum I've had this month so far I definitely have a chance.

Well, I hear Luke, so I better go.


  1. Congratulations to 90 lbs lost! That is tremendous. You are doing amazing!

  2. You're on fire - way close to goal and it could really be doable, but it's not like you're anything but a marvelous success even if you take a bit longer to progress downward ;)

  3. I need to know your secret! How did you lose almost five pounds in one week?

  4. Thanks Safire and Taryl!

    Eboyas - I think it had a lot to do with only netting a 3 and a half pound loss for all of October, lots of water weight after doing the RFL and losing 7 pounds then coming off of it and gaining 6 right back and fighting those pounds the rest of the month! I'm not doing anything special at all! I think it's just a plain and simple whoosh of water weight. Chances are strong that next week I won't lose much at all! It all seems to even out in the long run to about 2 pounds a week.
