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Monday, February 11, 2013

Little update

I'm holding strong in maintenance.  Been hovering between 137.6 and 140.6 -- today weighed in at 138.8.  Ya, you read that right, I weighed.  I have been, I only made it that ONE day without.  I am disappointed in myself in some ways, but I've been dealing with quite a lot and apparently just can't handle not weighing.  One thing at a time I suppose.   

I did well through all 3 of Jason's birthday celebration (I'm talking 3 separate cakes, fried chicken, potato salad, steaks, burgers, hot dogs, fries, baked potatoes, doritos etc etc).  I did go over calories all 3 times but not grossly; was able to do a tad of a deficit in the days following (meaning I ate 2000 on workout days instead of the allotted 2250-2300) to offset it.

I've been doing GREAT with my workouts!  I'm 2 weeks in and haven't missed a workout yet.  I'm feeling great, physically!  I feel strong and am really enjoying lifting, and since my cardio days are just 30 minutes, those aren't too bad either.

The mental part has been more of a struggle, and it's a work in progress.  The last 2 weeks have done me a lot of good.  I've been able to see that eating a normal amount doesn't mean steady weight gain.  I've been able to prove to myself that I can see a difference in my body through working out even with no loss on the scale.

Also, I found a new hero!!!  Here is her Tumblr.  WOWOWOWOWOW!  That is exactly what I'd love to look like.  She's such a bad ass and so strong. 

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