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Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 5, and Other Things

My energy level is very low today.  Luke did not sleep well  last night, which means neither did I; maybe 5 hours of very broken up sleep.  He's been sleeping almost all the way through the night for a week now, so last night was a very unpleasant surprise.  It's one of those days I can't wait to go to work and get a "break" from the kids.  I only work 10-12 hours a week, but it is MUCH needed.  I love them with my whole heart and soul, but for goodness sake they NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE.  HA!  I know that's part of being a mom, and like 96% of the time I'm perfectly fine with never going to the bathroom alone, always being beckoned for a bottle or a "wipe me mommy", or never getting to eat a meal straight through, or just about any teensy thing either one might just think they need or want.  Sometimes you just need a bit of time away to regain your sanity!  I'm feeling slightly insane today, so I know it's good timing for a few hours of work.  Jason and I are actually going to see a movie this weekend, which should also help with my sanity level (Hunger Games here I come!).

7 day challenge wise: had to kind of choke down my eggs and veg this morning.  I get to have protein 4 times today and I'm not quite sure what all that will consist of.  Chicken for dinner for sure.  I need to go get some different veggies as all of a sudden the ones I've been eating and enjoying are making me want to puke today. 

Well, I'm off! 


  1. ugh... I know exactly what you mean about the babies. Sort of feels like you live in a crazy house after awhile. I clean our yoga studio once a week in exchange for free lessons, and my gosh! how I look forward to that hour out of the house, away from baby dears, and the only sound is the vacuum cleaner.

  2. It's funny the things you look forward to after having babies!
